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Training Services

Single Classes

Free Consultation

This allows you to get to know the trainer, determine if the training services align with your needs, and make an informed decision about proceeding with the programs. It's a no-obligation opportunity to explore the best training options for your furry friend. 

Socializing Session

Supervised playdate with a professional that can diffuse any situation for your dog to socialize with another dog/human. You will be given tip on what to look for in your dog's behavior.

$75 per session.

One Class at a Time

Not sure if there is a package or program that works for you? Or maybe you'd like to take it one class at  a time? No problem at all! Only pay for the classes you want!



Basic Obedience

Comprehensive program with a minimum 5 hour weekly training focusing on commands and behaviors. You will have continued access to our expertise for as long as you own your dog. Whether you face new challenges or need a refresher in the future, we'll be there to support you.


Off-Leash Advanced

Your dog must have completed the Basic Obedience Program to enroll. Comprehensive program with a minimum 5-hour weekly training focusing on hand signals and having your dog off-leash trained. You will have continued access to our expertise for as long as you own your dog.



For the owners who want a more active role in every aspect of the basic obedience training. You will have continued access to our expertise for as long as you own your dog.




8-10 lessons.

For puppies 4 -7 months of age. Covers potty training, crate training, chewing, biting, jumping, socializing, and collection of attention (leash manners).


Potty/Crate Training*

3-4 lessons.

For dogs older than 7 months.

Potty training and crate training assistance.


My Dog is Perfect Except...

4-6 lessons depending on problem.

For when your dog is perfect except for that one thing that really bugs you. No matter how big or small the problem is.


Basic Commands*

4-6 lessons.

Includes the following commands; sit, down, heel, recall, release, and collection of attention.


Specific Corrections*

4-6 lessons,

Includes chewing, biting, bolting through doors/people, jumping on people/counters, and greeting people.


Behavioral Issues*

Unlimited Lessons/Retainer

For dogs with specific behavioral issues that can take a long time to work through. This can include aggression toward dogs, and humans, fear aggression, anxiety etc.


Hand Signals

4-10 lessons.

Teaches hand signals for the basic commands. (sit, down, heel, come, and release)

$350 or $525

2 weeks to upgrad
e to the Basic Obedience Program and receive the full package price off of the program. After 2 weeks, it will be 50% of the package taken off the program.


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